Mackintosh School of Arts
Koen Van Bockstal will be going into conversation with students during the Stage 5 final reviews on 13th & 14th March at the Mackintosh School of Arts & Architecture in Glasgow-Scotland.
Interiors Buildings Cities Antwerp
Lecture Koen Van Bockstal on context, program and material.
8/3/2019 12.45 h TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Room C, Delft-NL
Study trip to Tilburg and Eindhoven on the topic redevelopment.
An honorable fourth place for BULK at the annual Archigoldcup indoor football competition.
Monuments for an Open Society
Koen Van Bockstal participates in a debate with prof. Alexander D’Hooghe, on the occasion of his lecture “Monuments for an Open Society”
Lecture Alexander d’Hooghe (Visiting professor University of Antwerpen)
19/02/2019 19.00 h University Antwerpen - Citycampus - Aula R 00
Circular Structures
Design research into volatile and sustainable building systems for the temporary reallocation of vacant buildings.
Master students civil engineer architecture KU Leuven and Tom Vermeylen.
Case: Create Leather Spot for Vaartopia.
Koen Van Bockstal will be a member of the architectural competition jury -Winvorm 1805 -Extension of the Visserijmuseum, Oostduinkerke-Belgium
Het Vliegertje
Article on kindergarten & elementary school Het Vliegertje in Installatie & Bouw (Dutch).
Open Call 3609 Zwijndrecht Schrijverswijk
BULK, BUUR and BAS have been selected to come forward with a design proposal for the Schrijverswijk social housing district in Zwijndrecht. Open Call 3706 is commissioned by the Woonpunt Schelde-Rupel overseen by Team Vlaams Bouwmeester.