
On Wednesday 29 June 19.30 researchers Willemijn Wilms Floet and Koen Van Bockstal are guests in the series 'Gewoon Goed wonen en werken’ (Just Living and Working) organized by Keilecollectief with the introduction of Ninke Happel (HCVA). Koen Van Bockstal explains recent own work on the basis of a number of spearheads and fascinations. Willemijn Wilms Floet explains in this lecture living within the building block as a contemporary design issue.

29 juni 2022, 19.30h - Keilepand, M4H, Keilestraat 7-9, 3029 BP Rotterdam

Info & RSVP

Urban planning, an other way

VIBE, together with Bond Beter Leefmilieu, KU Leuven and the VRP, published the book 'Stedenbouw kan ook zo' (Urban planning, an other way). The book of examples offers concrete solutions for our cities and villages and illustrates these on the basis of positive projects in which the health and well-being of people and nature take precedence. Midden Boechout has been included as an inspiring example of future-proof urban design and spatial planning.

Stedenbouw kan ook zo

Review Ruimte voor verandering.

You have to hope that relevant and/or useful books are widely read and, above all, confessed. You have to fear that 'Room for change' will not know this happiness and that it will not be due to the book itself, on the contrary. It is due to the clear message, which makes you insecure and sounds confrontational.

Review of the book 'Ruimte voor verandering. Robuuste open gebouwen voor de toekomst' by Filip Canfyn bij Architectura.

ON4 studio TU Delft

At the request of team Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven architects, Koen Van Bockstal will give a lecture to students of the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft on Wednesday 18/05/22. The lecture is the start of the ON4 studio course 'Residential Building and Living Environment', which focuses on the question of how families can live stacked in the Cadix district.

SD Worx

BULK and Sergison Bates are very happy to announce that we have won the competition for the new SD Worx headquarter building in Antwerp.

In collaboration with IRS Studiebureau - Buro Lubbers - DENKBAR.

SD Worx

Robust open buildings

For the launch of the book Ruimte voor verandering. Robuuste open gebouwen voor de toekomst, the Flanders Architecture Institute and the University of Antwerp invited Stephen Bates (Sergison Bates architects) and Koen Van Bockstal (Bulk architects / University of Antwerp) for a double lecture.

Rewatch the book launch and lectures

From harbor to city

In many port cities around the world, port-related activity is shifting away from traditional locations to more productive areas. The vacated port areas are slowly being transformed into fully-fledged parts of the city. The March issue of the Architect shows how to turn the harbor into a city without polishing away the past.

'Lovingly designed robust urban architecture'

Project Cadix A5 in collaboration with Sergison Bates and Bovenbouw is featured in de Architect ‘From harbor to city’.

de Architect (Dutch)

Cross-pollination, the power of collaboration

Article in Nook magazine 2022 / #1: Cross-pollination, the power of collaboration about the production of BRAEMPRAAT. Filip Dujardin, Dimitri Leue and Koen Van Bockstal talk about the collaboration on this piece where Dimitri Leue brought Braems text ‘Het lelijkste land ter wereld’ (‘The ugliest country in the world’) together with music by Steven Taelman, photos by Filip Dujardin and a set by BULK architects.

Nook: Cross-pollination, the power of collaboration



‘By building a little bigger now, we can build less in the long run’.

Interview with Jasper Ponjee in De Standaard about robust open buildings for the future.

De Standaard

Publication and lecture ‘Room for change’

The book Room for change (Ruimte voor verandering. Robuuste open gebouwen voor de toekomst) will be published on April 13.

“The research by BULK architects shows the value of robust open buildings that embrace excess and enable flexible use. Out of a curiosity about history and future possibilities, Room for change contributes to the convergence between architecture, structure and sustainability.”

Following the launch of the book, the Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi) and the University of Antwerp (UA) invite Stephen Bates (Sergison Bates architects) and Koen Van Bockstal (BULK architecten / UA) for a lecture on 13 April at 8:00 PM. at the University of Antwerp.

Info, pre-order en registrations for the book launch and lecture via VAi