Joint leave
Our offices are closed from 9 July to 1 August for joint leave. Happy holidays!
Housing Apart Together
Under the impulse of Atelier Stadbouwmeester, AG Vespa and Woonregie van de stad Antwerpen, the Housing Apart Together exhibition, an initiative of Architectuurwijzer, will be given an Antwerp edition with extra attention to family-friendly housing, cohabitation with seniors and the housing cooperative as an alternative owner's model. To mark this occasion, the expo has been supplemented with six new Antwerp collective housing projects, including the Cadix A4 - Shengenplein project.
Bar Paniek, Kattendijkdok-Oostkaai, Antwerp
Friday 2 July until Sunday, October 31, 2021
Open every day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. – free entry
expert meeting CONSTRUCT
Today, we are hosting an expert meeting in deSingel as part of Bouwmeester Label 021. Jasper Ponjee will talk to experts on behalf of BULK architects about how we can realize robust, open buildings.
Experts: Katrijn Apostel, stad Antwerpen - Oana Bogdan, Bogdan & Van Broeck architecten - Kristiaan Borret, bouwmeester van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest - Filip Canfyn, Rebel Group - Sofie de Caigny, Vlaams Architectuurinstituut - Steven Decloedt & Jana Burman, AG Vespa - Catherine Pyck & Alexander Dierendonck, Dierendonckblanke architecten - Dirk Jaspaert, BAS - Toon Manders, Miss Miyagi - Jona Michiels, Groep Van Roey - Mario Rinke, Universiteit Antwerpen - Philip Rubbens, Revive - Luc van de Vondel, IRS Studiebureau - Tom Vermeylen, BULK architecten - Jan Verrelst, AWG architecten - Erik Wieërs & Céline Oosterlynck, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester
Moderator: Edith Wouters
Publication Composite Presence
The catalogue 'Composite Presence' is now available at the Flanders Architecture Institute. Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition curated by Bovenbouw Architectuur in the Belgian Pavilion at the Biennale di Architettura 2021 in Venice, Italy.
How do city and architecture flourish together? This question is central to the scenography showing a piece of urban landscape on a scale of 1/15. Project Van Artevelde is one of the fifty recent projects by 45 contemporary Belgian practices contributing to the imaginary landscape.
Lecture ON4 Residential Building and Living Environment
This year, the ON4 studio "Residential Building and Living Environment" at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology is hosted by 6 teams of architects who work on urban transformation assignments in practice. At the request of team Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven architects, Koen Van Bockstal will give an online lecture on Wednesday 12/05/21 from 12: 30-14: 00.

Lange Bremstraat win!
Team BULK + LUBBERS + IRS + KARUUR wins the competition for the development of a future-proof and lively district on Lange Bremstraat in Antwerp! De Ideale Woning launched a competition for the site with 230 houses, a crèche and commercial space and the future redevelopment of hoeve Royenborg.
Heli take off!
Team BULK + BUREAU CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY + IRS + KARUUR + MISS MIYAGI wins the competition for the redevelopment of the fire station on the Helihavenlaan in Brussels, of which the Brussels-Capital Region wishes to investigate the programmatic possibilities.
MSI - SAU organized a competition for the survey into the future possibilities of the DBDMH buildings, fine examples of brutalist 1970s architecture, in order to organize their future transformation. In view of their strategic position, in different sectors of the Nord territory (Manhattan district, near the canal, Masui district), the site's transition is particularly important for the development of the entire Heliport site.
Composite Presence
The Belgian contribution to the Biennale Architettura 2021 in Venice, curated by Bovenbouw Architectuur, shows a model landscape representing the friction between city and architecture in Flanders. The scenography shows a piece of urban landscape on a scale of 1/15. Project Van Artevelde is one of the fifty recent projects by 45 contemporary Belgian practices contributing to the imaginary landscape.
The seventeenth edition of the Architecture Biennale in Venice runs from 22 May to 21 November 2021 in Giardini, Arsenale and at various places in the city. The theme for the 2021 edition is "How will we live together?"
Cadix shortlisted for BREEAM Awards 2021. The BREEAM Awards are organized annually and reward people, projects and organizations that are leading in the field of sustainable design and development. More than 50 projects from all over the world have been shortlisted this year, including the Cadix A5 project in collaboration with Sergison Bates and Bovenbouw.